Sunday, March 17, 2013

Security And Control In Trust Deed Investments

There are two established options when in need of borrowing a substantial amount of money. One option is conventional from lending source such as a bank or financial institution. Second is through a private money loan. This type of loan is provided by a private lender or business to help an individual who needs funds to create or expand their business or other financial needs. One can have his own trust deed investments and become a private lender.

What are private money lending or trust deed investments? Private money lending are financial loans that have been collateralized by a real estate property, and so are made in regards to the decision of making a loan that's based mainly on the property's protective equity.

Borrowers who don't meet the standards or requirements set up by conventional loan providers opt for private money loans. The guidelines of conventional institutions for loan approval are based on the borrower's income and credit background but since considered as sub prime, it requires lending from private investors/lenders.

Why must people choose trust deed investments over traditional investments such as the stock market? This is because of the security, control, earnings, and attainability trust deed investing offers and investors are loving this popular investment vehicle.

Security means that the trust deed investments are backed by, secured by something of valuable collateral, a real estate property in particular. Investing in trust deeds gives an investor the control with regards to the loan terms such as the length of paying the loan, the interest rate and the agreement when the borrower doesn't fulfill the loan obligations. An investor has the legal right to seek recourse.

Trust deed investing produce regular profit. When investors are seeking for a regular income in times of tight cash flow, investing in trust deeds provides an excellent solution. Trust deed investments are certainly an attainable solution for pretty much everyone that has a little bit of funds to invest. There are numerous borrowers in the marketplace trying to find capital and no shortage of demand for loans. 

Investment in trust deeds can be a better solution for overcoming the frustrations of seeking the right loan for an individual's financial need, may it be personal or business.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Understanding How Trust Deed Investments Are Secured

Trust deed investing has been around for several decades, yet today it seems few are familiar with how trust deed investments work or its edge over other investment options. Deed of trust investment offers one of the best risk-adjusted yields, presently available when compared to other major options:  private equities and stocks. It is vital that you understand how a trust deed investment is secured.

When making trust deed investments, the deed of trust recorded against the borrower’s property title is what secures the investor's investment. In a trust deed agreement, the borrower makes the property transfer, in trust, for the trustee who is an independent third party, usually a firm or company (TDIC or trust deed Investment Company as what they are called).  The trustee then manages and holds the property title on behalf of the investor/lender and then either of the following happens:

The borrower will be able to get back the trust deed once they satisfy all of the stipulations that have been stated in the promissory note. On the other hand, if the borrower goes into default, the property will be marketed or sold by a trustee to a bidder or get the property title. The foreclosure sale usually satisfies the debt that is owed to the investor.

Always ensure there's enough or big equity percentage as this safeguards your trust deed investments just in case you need to foreclose on the property and sell it to recoup the borrowed funds, any interest that was not paid out, plus any other fees used during the process. Trust deed investments within a margin of safety can offer good quality, safe returns.